Asserting myself and improving my leadership skills | €848.00 | | Register |
Asserting myself to avoid conflicts and tense situations | €848.00 | | Register |
Better handling the stress of being a manager | €848.00 | | Register |
Better Managing my Costs and Budget | €848.00 | | Register |
Coping more effectively with change | €848.00 | | Register |
Creating value on a daily basis in my activity | €848.00 | | Register |
Dealing with conflict in my team | €848.00 | | Register |
Delegating and empowering | €848.00 | | Register |
Developing my creative potential | €848.00 | | Register |
Developing my negotiating skills | €848.00 | | Register |
Developing my self-confidence | €848.00 | | Register |
Developing my Staff's Skills | €848.00 | | Register |
Developing my team's creativity and initiative | €848.00 | | Register |
Effectively using my emotional potential | €848.00 | | Register |
Establishing positive relations and ending daily conflict | €848.00 | | Register |
Gaining the adherence of my team members | €848.00 | | Register |
Giving consideration to the financial aspect of my work | €848.00 | | Register |
Improving my team's client-focus | €848.00 | | Register |
Integrating finance in my management | €848.00 | | Register |
Leading my team to obtain results | €848.00 | | Register |
Managing conflicts and verbal aggression from clients | €848.00 | | Register |
Managing in a non-hierarchical situation | €848.00 | | Register |
Managing my Activity's Economic and Financial Performance | €848.00 | | Register |
Marketing for non-marketers | €848.00 | | Register |
Mastering the basics of daily management | €848.00 | | Register |
Optimising my relations with others and better cooperating | €848.00 | | Register |
Organising myself better to boost my everyday effectiveness | €848.00 | | Register |
Public Speaking | €848.00 | | Register |
Recruiting an experienced new member for my team | €848.00 | | Register |
Regaining control over my time and my priorities | €848.00 | | Register |
Running my meetings successfully | €848.00 | | Register |
Selling my ideas | €848.00 | | Register |
Steering a change project | €848.00 | | Register |
Succeeding as an occasional trainer | €848.00 | | Register |
Succeeding in my appraisal interview | €848.00 | | Register |
Succeeding in my sales | €848.00 | | Register |
Successfully conducting an annual appraisal interview | €848.00 | | Register |
Successfully conducting my meetings | €848.00 | | Register |
Successfully managing my face-to-face meetings with staff | €848.00 | | Register |
Successfully managing my stress at work | €848.00 | | Register |
Successful Public Speaking | €848.00 | | Register |
Taking charge of my new team | €848.00 | | Register |
The keys to successful project management | €848.00 | | Register |
Working across cultures | €848.00 | | Register |