Moldovan Research and
Development Association

Programs and activities to help science and technology develop and progress

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International Conference "Developing Regional Experimental Scientific Center (RESC) Sustainability"

The Moldovan Research and Development Association (MRDA), in conjunction with the U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) hosted a two-day conference focusing on long-term sustainability of CRDF's Regional Experimental Support Centers (RESC) - a program working to reinvigorate the science and technology infrastructure in Eurasia. The conference was held on June 26-27, 2005 at the Jolly Alon Hotel, Chisinau. Moldova.

Conference organizers and invitees

U.S.Civilian Research and Development Foundation
1530 Wilson Boulevard, 3rd Floor, Arlington, Virginia 22209
Tel: 703-526-9720
Fax: 703-526-9721

Charles Tom Owens
President & Chief Executive Officer
Dr. Albert R.C. Westwood
Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Central Laboratory of the Research Councils of the United Kingdom Former Vice President, Research and Exploratory Technology, Sandia National Laboratories
Stuart Politi
Senior Program Manager
Marc Kokosky
Grant Manager, Award Administration & GAP
Charles Dunlap
Senior Program Manager, Centers and Institution Building Program
Lyn Stout
Sr. Events Manager
Pauline Perederii
Grant Manager, Award Administration & GAP
Natalia Pipia
Associate Program Manager, Industry Programs
Jeremy Wolfe
Program Assistant, Centers and Institution Building
Paul Waugaman
Senior Fellow, Technology Commercialization Group
Irina Dezhina
CRDF Moscow Office
Saeed Khalid
Technical Director
Norwegian Accreditation, Fetveien 99 ,2007 Kjeller, Norway
Telefone.: + 47 64 84 86 00 (switch board)
+ 47 64 84 86 11 (direct)
+ 47 99 01 12 28 (mobile)
+ 47 64 84 86 01 (fax)
Manfried Spiesberg
INTAS representative

Academy of Sciences of Moldova
1 Stefan cel Mare Ave, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Tel: (037322) 27 14 78
Fax: (037322) 27 60 14

Acad.Gheorghe Duca
President of ASM

Government of Moldova
Chisinau, Republic of Moldova

Valerian Cristea
Vice Prime Minister

Moldovan Research and Development Association
60 Mateevici str., Chisinau, Republic of Moldova,
Tel: (037322) 57 77 07, 57 77 06
Fax: (037322) 22 63 29

Dr.Lidia Romanciuc
Executive Director
Elena Brinza
Program Coordinator
Lidia Virtan
Dr.Vergil Movila
Program Asistant
Vlad Bondarenco
Network Administrator
Diana Cucos
Technical Assistant
Dr. Olga Covaliova
Program Manager (GAP)

Special thanks
to the U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation  
for its generous support of our activities

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