Proposals Writing Seminar for the Bilateral Grants Program III
On November 1-5, 2004
MRDA conducted Proposals Writing Seminars for the
Bilateral Grants Program III
in Chisinau, Balti and Comrat.
Current MRDA/CRDF Programs were brought to the attention of the scientific community of Moldova.
Seminar presentations were made by:
Acad. Gh. Duca - Welcome Speech
Dr. L. Romanciuc - MRDA activity and MRDA/CRDF Programs.
L. Brinza/D. Cucos - Guidelines in writing BGP-III Proposals.
V. Bondarenco - Guidelines in using MRDA web-page.
The seminars were attended by scientists and engineers from Chisinau, Balti, Comrat
and Cahul.