Bilateral Grants Program - 2004 - Successful Projects
Select year to view awards » 2001 2002 2004
Balanuta, Anatol, Technical University of Moldova
Heymann, Hildegarde, University of California, Davis
Proposal #14533: Sensory Impact of Oak Growing and Cooperage Practices on
Wine and Spirits Aged in Oak Barrels
Dicusar, Alexandr, Institute of Applied Physics, MAS
Turner, John, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Proposal #14542: Study of Oxide/Nanoporous III-V Semiconductor Junction
for their Use in Photovoltaic and Photoelectrochemical Production of Hydrogen
Gerbeleu, Nicolai, Institute of Chemistry, MAS
Stavropoulos, Pericles, University of Missouri, Rolla
Proposal #14498: Synthesis and Investigation of Homo-, Hetero- and
Mixed Valence Iron Complexes with Carboxylate and Hydrazine Derivatives
Ligands as New Catalysts for Oxygenation of Hydrocarbons
Geru, Ion, Moldova State University
Dalal, Naresh, Florida State University
Proposal #14537: New Zero-Dimensional Quantum Systems Based on
Heteronuclear {Mn-M}12 and {Fe2MO}n Clusters with Both Single-Molecule
Magnet and Cross-Over Properties as Quantum Computing Materials
Gladchi, Viorica, Moldova State University
Cutter, Gregory, Old Dominion University
Proposal #14506: The Study of Redox Conditions in the Dniester River
Klokishner, Sofia, Institute of Applied Physics, MAS
Towe, Elias, Carnegie Mellon University
Proposal #14508: Design and Characterization of New media for
Infrared Lasers, Saturable Absorbers and Photorefractive Materials
Based on II-VI Semiconductors Doped with Transition Metal Ions
Korotcenkov, Ghenadii, Technical University of Moldova
Stetter, Joseph, Illinois Institute of Technology
Proposal #14503: Nano-Scaled In2O3-Based Thin Film Ozone Sensors
for Health and Environmental Control
Kravtsov, Victor, LISES, Institute of Applied Physicss, ASM
Moulton, Brian, Brown University
Proposal #14529: Crystal Engineering of Multiple-component Pharmaceutical Solids
Lozovanu, Dimitru, Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, MAS
Zelikovsky, Alexander, Georgia State University
Proposal #14483: Algorithms for Dynamic System Design and
Optimization in Communication Networks
Ogurtsov, Ivan, Institute of Chemistry
Bersuker, Isaac, University of Texas, Austin
Proposal #14513: A Method of Computer-Aided Screening and Prediction of Chemical Toxicity
Pocotilov, Evghenii, Moldova State University
Balandin, Alexander, University of California, Riverside
Proposal #14511: Phonon Transport Optimization for Improved Heat
Removal from Nanoscale Electronic Circuits
Popov, Nicolai, Institute of Plant Protection
Liu, Tong Xian, Texas A&M University
Proposal #14520: Improvement of Techniques for Releasing Beneficial
Arthropods to Increase Their Application Efficiency in Agrocenoses
Sisianu, Teodor, Technical University of Moldova
Singh, Rajendra, Clemson University
Proposal #14492: The Modern and Low-cost Nonconventional Technology
with Photothermal Processing for Si-bulk and Thin Film Solar Cells
Turta, Constantin, Institute of Chemistry, MAS
Simmons, Charles, University of Hawaii, Hilo
Proposal #14512: Preparation of Antianaemia Pharmaceutical Products
by Utilization of Coordination Compounds of d-Elements and Spirulina
Tsurcanu, Vladimir, Institute of Applied Physics, MAS
Groza, Joanna, University of California, Davis
Proposal #14486: Ternary Magnetic Materials for Electron-Correlated
Zubcova, Natalia, Institute of Zoology, MAS
Schlenk, Daniel, University of California, Riverside
Proposal #14490: Accumulation and Effects of Trace Elements on Fish
Growth and Development