Cooperative Grants Program - Successful Projects 2001
Select year to view awards » 2000 2001 2003 2004 2005
Corobov, Roman Michail, National Center for Scientific and Applied
Preventive Medicine,
Knight, Chester Gregory, Pennsylvania State University
Proposal #10203. Comparative Integrated Assessment of Climate Change
Consequences for the Republic of Moldova and Mid-Atlantic Region of
Zaicenco, Anton, Institute of Geophysics and Geology, MAS,
Gavin, Henry Philippe, Duke University
Proposal #11541. Reliability of Advanced Base-Isolation for the Protection of
Critical Facilities from Earthquake Hazards
Korshak, Oleg, Moldova State University,
Abdeldayem, Hossin, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
Proposal #10079. Technological Development of High-Resolution Recording
Media for Integrate Airborne and Satellite Imaging Systems